Mandatory Courses for Writers and Editors
Foundational Courses for Employability and Growth in Career
Who Can Take These Courses?
- Graduates/postgraduates aspiring for a career in writing, editing (or a mix of both)
- Writers: Content writers, blog writers, SMEs (subject matter experts), report writers, technical writers, copywriters
- Editors: Fiction editors, copyeditors, content editors, academic editors
- Lecturers who teach English in schools and colleges
- Others: Journalists, reporters, proofreaders aspiring to move forward in their careers

Package of Six Courses
- Essentials of written English
- Sentence patterns 1: The restrictive–nonrestrictive conundrum
- Sentence patterns 2: The number of subjects and number of related actions
- Sentence component analysis and identification
- Article use in the English language
- Aspects of good writing
When you complete these courses,
- You will have a solid skill set (both theoretical and practical) that will likely ensure your employability in the writing and editing fields
- You will have a strong foundation and you will find it easy to establish yourself quickly in your chosen field of work
- You will be confident of handling projects in your own field (writing or editing)
- You can increase your credibility within your workplace
- With steady practice you can prepare yourself for a first-level certification by The Art of Copyediting

Gist of the Courses
- Essentials of Written English
- Covers over 200 principles of writing within 14 rules of writing
- Each rule leads to the next one, and each principle leads to the next one
- Sentence Patterns 1: The Restrictive–Nonrestrictive Conundrum
- Teaches you how to identify what is essential and nonessential in a sentence
- Provides 20 patterns to help you grasp the most important convention in the English language
- Sentence Patterns 2: The Number of Subjects and the Number of Associated Actions
- Examines the interplay of simple sentences, introductory constructions, and compound sentences, and the 33 structural patterns that emerge from their interplay
- Helps you understand what it means to read a sentence generically and specifically (and thus understand the content and relationships as intended)
- Sentence Component Analysis and Identification
- Combines all the learning gained in the first three courses on language (Essentials, Sentence Patterns 1 and 2)
- Helps you identify and color-code every word (or set or words) in any sentence as belonging to one of 14 functional components that define sentence structure
- Helps you master all aspects of verbs—and thus the concept of skim reading
- Article Use in the English Language
- Provides detailed instructions and guidance on an aspect that learners of English often struggle with
- Aspects of Good Writing
- Provides guidance on collecting material for your content, writing your draft, reviewing it, revising it, polishing it, and perfecting it
- Based on a brilliantly written story, which is first enjoyed for the sheer joy it provides and then discussed bit by bit to summarize all the instructions

How It Can Help
- Self-paced, independent study
- Purchase the complete package of six courses at a 20% discount and learn independently at your own pace
- Course access via desktop AND a dedicated (no ads) mobile app
- Learn, review, and revise any course any time within the access period of 15 months (64 weeks)
- Postgraduates can take these courses in their first or second year and plan to complete them by the end of their second year (i.e., by the time they complete their college studies). Such an approach will
- help them in any project/dissertation writing that may be part of the requirements for their MA, MSc, or MS degree
- greatly increase their employability when they receive their college degrees and start applying for jobs
- Writers and editors working independently will benefit the most, as they can practice and apply in their daily work whatever they learn in these courses. Furthermore, they can
- gradually establish their credibility in the online marketplace
- slowly prepare themselves for certification by The Art of Copyediting or by any other international body
ENJOY Learning Grammar!
- The highlight of these courses is that you will genuinely ENJOY the process of learning grammar!
- At the end of the course, you will exclaim:
- Have I really learned all the grammar I need to do my work? It was so much fun learning all this!
- And now I have quick reference charts as well, to answer any other questions.
- Why don't they start teaching language like this in schools, colleges, and universities?

What's Unique about These Courses?
- Essentials of Written English
- The 14 rules of writing may be learned from anywhere. But what's unique is the arrangement and the explanation of the rules—how each rule directly leads to the next
- Now extrapolate the idea to 200 principles of writing, each one leading to the other—and that's when you'll see how unique the Essentials course is
- Sentence Patterns 1 and 2
- These two courses are also one of a kind
- You may find some of these patterns of sentence structure indicated in books and manuals as part of their way of explaining things from a certain perspective
- But you will not find any book, manual, or course examining sentence structures and their functional aspects in such logical detail and that too all together in a single place
- This is a radically different approach to teaching the English language, which will become evident when one moves on to the next course
- Sentence Component Analysis and Identification
- This course brings together and applies everything that was learned in the first three courses
- Tremendous clarity is provided by color coding every functional component of a sentence and relating the structure of every sentence to one or more of 53 patterns that were learned earlier
- Everything will fall into place on its own—everything except verbs
- A full-blown discussion of verbs is then initiated, and all possible questions are addressed
- At this point, you would have mastered skim reading
- You'll be delighted by the sheer number of topics covered—sentence components and their function, sentence structure and patterns, verbs, tenses, voice, modals, skim reading—and the clarity, logic, and simplicity by which all these concepts are woven together
- The uniqueness of the approach lies in its use of logic, color coding of the functional components of a sentence, and identification with structural patterns to explain and connect the functional components of the sentence
- Grammar rules are introduced later to support and strengthen what was learned and to point out the pitfalls that were avoided by using the new approach

Uniqueness: Implications for non–English-Speaking Countries
- These courses start from the most basic level and gradually raise the standard of written English to a different level altogether
- Some individual professionals may understand this standard, but on a mass scale, this will be a new standard for these countries
- Even the publishing services industry in India (for example), catering to the scientific, technical, educational, and medical (STEM) aspects of the journal- and book-publishing world will find this to be of a radically higher standard
- The down-to-earth, affordable pricing has just a single aim: to raise the standard of English of the younger generation in these countries and empower them to achieve international standards
Uniqueness: Implications for English-Speaking
- All English-speaking countries will see this as a new method of teaching English in the modern world
- They may be able to better appreciate the approach as they will see how it helps in connecting and understanding concepts easily
- They will immediately see the logic and sensibility of this approach to teaching English at the college level and beyond
- The practicality of enjoying grammar learning will be so appealing that it is just a question of time before they start embracing it whole-heartedly

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the value of all the 6 courses put together?
Do I get the discount if I have already taken any of these courses?
What will be the total number of hours of video content?
How do I practice what I have learned?
How can I clarify my doubts when I'm learning these courses independently?
Will I receive course completion certificates?
Is AOC certification different from course completion?
Why is a course on hyphenation not included with this package?
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Mandatory Courses for Writers and Editors-1
$829 (after 20% discount)
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$438 (after 20% discount)
Two part-payments: $438 upfront and another $438 after 30 days
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$299 (after 20% discount)
Three part-payments: $299 upfront and $299 for 2 successive months
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